Prevention advisor level 3

Discover this training!

Welcome to the core of safety, well-being, and prevention in your organization: your internal prevention advisor.

He or she is ready to support you and your managers in implementing well-being policies. Our training for new prevention advisors (level 3) provides a solid foundation for effectively carrying out tasks and assignments.

Everything you need to know about "well-being in the workplace"

How do we react in case of fire? How do we prevent accidents at work? And how do we ensure ergonomics at work? These questions are answered by the internal prevention advisor, who contributes to more well-being, safety, and satisfaction among employees.

Develop a strong global prevention plan

After this training, your prevention advisor will be able to establish a powerful global prevention plan, including concrete measures for practice. This is done in collaboration with you as the employer, managers, and the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work, if applicable.

Learn from experienced professionals

Our experienced trainers are industry experts with in-depth knowledge of their sector. They address the internal prevention advisor's job scope and highlight essential aspects of well-being at work, so that your employees gain all the necessary technical and practical knowledge.

Obtain a recognized certificate

Participants who attend all lessons, pass the test, and complete a final assignment will receive the recognized certificate "Prevention Advisor Level 3 - Basic Knowledge".

Our approach

Depending on the type of training (in-company or "open session"), the approach may vary slightly. Nevertheless, the basic principle remains the same for both: first, we gather information about the participants' work context as prevention advisors (such as the sector, company size, and types of risks). This ensures relevant course content for each participant.

Secondly, we aim to make each part of the course as interactive as possible. Our trainers are encouraged to actively engage participants through oral and digital questioning, as well as practical exercises.

Each participant receives the presentations given, as well as a series of practical templates they can use in their daily role as prevention advisors.

At the start of the training, participants are invited to choose a topic for their final assignment. We advise them to select a topic that is directly applicable within their company. Our trainers are available to guide them and answer questions to successfully complete the final assignment.

As part of the continuous improvement of our courses and services, we ask all participants to provide candid feedback after each part of the course, as well as to the organizer, to whom we request feedback at the end of the training.

For whom?

This training is aimed at category C companies, where a prevention advisor of level 1 or 2 is not mandatory. This includes companies with 20 to 200 employees, depending on the risk as determined by the NACE code. In these companies, employers cannot assume the role of prevention advisor themselves; they must appoint an employee for this role.

For companies with fewer than 20 employees, the business owner can assume the role of prevention advisor themselves.

This training is increasingly being organized for the hierarchical line, as prescribed by legislation. They are often the driving force behind monitoring and improving employee well-being. Therefore, it is useful for them to have a good basic knowledge of the 7 well-being domains.

In-company training

For groups of 8 participants or more, an in-company training can be more cost-effective. Some benefits of in-company training include:

  1. Tailored to your needs: An in-company training can be adapted to the specific needs, situation, and sector of your organization. This ensures that the training is more relevant and directly applicable to the work environment of your employees.
  2. Cost-saving: In-company training can be more cost-effective, especially if multiple employees participate. You avoid travel costs and any lost work time by keeping employees at the office.
  3. Confidentiality: In an in-company setting, employees can openly discuss specific problems and challenges within the organization, without worrying about confidentiality outside the organization.
  4. Customization: In-company trainers can tailor the training to the specific knowledge levels, experiences, and learning needs of the participants. This ensures a personalized learning experience that better suits the individual development needs of your team.
  5. Choice of training location: You have the option to choose the training location: either in a room within your office space, in our classroom in Groot-Bijgaarden (near Brussels), or at another convenient location of your choice.

Price and discounts

Up to 30% discount is available via the kmo-portefeuille for selected companies. You can find information here, but feel free to contact us for more information on your eligibility.


If you would like general information or have a specific question about the next "open session" training or if you would like an in-company training, please contact us by phone, by email, or via our contact form.

Prevention advisor level 3

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